Dec 10, 2014
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SENZA NOME zaprasza na Koncert
W sobotę 13 grudnia o godz. 11.15 w Polskiej Szkole w Coventry odbędzie się tradycyjny już Koncert Kolęd. Obok Senza Nome wystąpi również Schola Dziecięca. Będzie można wspólnie zaśpiewać piękne polskie kolędy oraz posłuchać tych mniej znanych. Zapraszamy.
On Saturday December 13th at 11.15 a.m. the traditional concert of Polish carols will take place at the Polish Saturday School (Leasowe's Ave, CV3 6BH). Polish Children’s Choir with Senza Nome choir will perform both the traditional carols as well as some of the lesser known ones. All are invited to come and enjoy it with us.
On Saturday December 13th at 11.15 a.m. the traditional concert of Polish carols will take place at the Polish Saturday School (Leasowe's Ave, CV3 6BH). Polish Children’s Choir with Senza Nome choir will perform both the traditional carols as well as some of the lesser known ones. All are invited to come and enjoy it with us.